One great motivation for any shepherd-pastor is to have sheep who make it clear that they want to be taught the truth of God’s Word. I am convinced that much of my growth as a pastor has been in direct proportion to the “snapping at my heels” of a flock of Word hungry sheep saying, “Feed me.”
The sermons and teachings presented here are representative of the spiritual menu from the Word of God that were fed to those I pastored during Sunday and Wednesday services. As you read the sermons, you will notice that they are simple in content, but that they were designed to inform the mind, stir the emotions, and challenge the will. They were meant to be spiritual in emphasis and practical in application. Their purpose is to produce spiritual growth and maturity to the hearer.
The Sermons offered on this site are with no restrictions on use. If you find something in them (all or part) that you would like to incorporate in your ministry, freely do so. I know the blessing of having sermon preparations jump started by ideas and suggestions shared with me by fellow ministers. May these do the same for you.
God Bless,
Pastor Bill

By Sharon Lobbs Garner
September 14th will be the fifth anniversary of my dad’s death, who succumbed to cancer at age 76. Even typing that sentence brings back memories of me watching him slowly die of prostate cancer. He received the diagnosis in October of 2005 and died three years later in 2008. I miss my papa very much. He was a huge inspiration to me growing up and into my adult years. You see, I grew up in a pastor’s home…yes I’m a PK.
My dad was an amazing man who encouraged me, inspired me, loved me, disciplined me, gave words of wisdom and on occasion handed me money saying…”You never know when you might need it.” I looked up to him, respected him, wanted to be like him when it came to loving people and loving his God.
My dad had been hurt many times during his 40 years of ministry, but never turned his back on God or his calling. Everything he went through in his life, he always turned to God first and came out with a song of victory, always moving forward. My dad lived the life of obedience right in front of my eyes even when it was painful. He had a website of sermons that my mom would post each week so that people from all over the world could read what was coming from his heart. When he prayed, there was such a powerful force within him touching other’s lives. Many people were touched by my dad and I’m still hearing about it today. Many came to Christ because of my dad’s life and how he lived it out. He was a man of integrity. I want to be that too. He was a man who knew his God. I want to know my God too.
I remember a time when I was having trouble getting over some hurt words that were being said about my husband, who is also a pastor. I called by dad crying, venting, so very hurt.
My dad said to me, “Sharon, just keep putting one foot in front of the other – people are people You cannot allow those hurts to sit on your shoulder. Their opinions are just that – their opinions. Keep to your purpose and your calling – worship.”
My dad knew my heart was worship, so he encouraged me to just worship, sit at my piano and let all the “stuff go. My dad was very cheerful, always had a hearty laugh, could talk to the lowest and highest people, accepted people for who they were and where they were in life, loved his family, but most importantly, he loved his God.
He was my hero when I was young and he is still my hero today.